Meetings & Events

Make an impression with your event

Many people from Viana attend the bar and the restaurant and choose this incredible space to make their special celebrations; birthdays, christenings and weddings. There are people who come back for the 50th wedding anniversary, having married and spent the honeymoon in the hotel. There are families who began to come to the hotel as children and they now bring their children and grandchildren. The tradition in personal events is great in this recently redecorated place in a palatial style in 2009 that evokes the charm of old times.

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Sale riunioni

Tutte le sale riunioni possono essere predisposte secondo vari allestimenti. A seguito, le opzioni disponibili.

Nome della camera Area (mq) Teatro Scuola Tavolo a ferro di cavallo Cocktail Banchetto
Restaurante 144 150 130
Sala de Conferências 104 120 50 48 120 80
Sala Santa Luzia 55 60 30 24 60 40
Sala Citânia 49 50 20 18 40 30
Terraço Santa Luzia 78 80
Terraço Atlântico 78 80
Eira 165 180
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